

An alien arrives on earth with invasion on his mind. But he finds it's a bigger task than he thought - he's only six inches tall!
November 2009

Mite! released


Finally, it's finished! Mite! was premiered at the Suzanne festival in Amsterdam last month, and is now on general release on YouTube!

I've also posted a short "Making of" on the Blender Artists Forum, which hopefully some will enjoy.

This also seems like a good time to say that I'm working on a new film! I'll try to be a lot more vocal about this one during it's production, so check back here in a couple of weeks where I'll post up some in-progress shots in the blog.

Posted By chris read more

New site, new film, new name!


After a long hiatus, ICEBOX is back, now with a shiny new "Studios" replacing the old and dusty "Games" to the end of the name, to make it easier to release both films and games under the same name. For those patient saints that have followed ICEBOX since it's inception, this is the third iteration of the website, and hopefully the final.

But I wasn't going to resurface without something other than just a website to show off. A new film, Mite!, is in post-production and will be finished very, very soon. Once it's had a few screenings, mainly in the London area, I'll be releasing it online. In the meantime, check out some stills!

The main purpose of this site is to provide people with a portfolio of my work, but I will do my best to update this blog with info about upcoming projects, as well as insights into my filmmaking and game-creation endeavours.

Now all I have to do is finish this.

Posted By chris read more
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