Well, not quite in the way you'd expect. The past little while, I've been working on a 3D adventure creation kit for Unity (release / pricing TBC), so I've made a little demo to show it off. And who better to lazily read off marketing spiel than the greatest wrestler in history, Brain himself?
I'll have some proper info about it in the near-future, but for now, enjoy the demo!
Meanwhile, En Passant's had a fantastic response since it's online release. Here's a rundown of it's various appearances around the web:
• I get interviewed by Libre Graphics World
• AintItCool feature it in their weekly Saturday Shorts
• BlenderNation describe it as "one of the icons in Blender's history" (thanks, Bart!)
• CG Channel compare the film's tone with that of Sweeney Todd
• Blender users discuss in over on Blender Artists
• Some guy on Reddit: "It's like if Pixar had a baby with Sin City and was raised by Moulin Rouge"
If you still haven't seen it, watch it today!
*UPDATE* Found out that speech wasn't playing properly in the demo on Windows PCs - no more!